Autumn, Kyoto and Maple / 秋天京都和楓葉

這是我第一次來到京都. 11月底,和我的妹妹自助旅行來賞楓. 有些美景除了看照片就令人讚嘆, 還是非常值得親自走一回的. 畢竟相機還是取代不了人眼實際感受的千變萬化和體會臨場氛圍的.
另外要先說京都的巴士系統非常的了不起, 就在首次拜訪京都的同時, 非常的順利靠著巴士就到達我們要去的景點.(或許google地圖也幫不了不少忙...) 那些觀光客必去的經典景點, 當然不只是國外觀光客,也有很多日本當地人拜訪, 所以經典景點畢竟還是有它吸引人之處.

This is my first time to travel to Japan, Kyoto. In the end of November, my sister and I visited Kyoto for fall season beautiful maples. It was really amazing, and it was worthy to visit this city in person. Although you can see those pictures, our eyes still can't be replaced with cameras to enjoy the colors changing.
Beside, I want to say that Kyoto's bus system is really Great! Even it was our first time to visit Kyoto, we still could get anywhere easily (maybe google map already helped us a lot...).

第一天晚上我們去了永觀堂, 雖然飄著小雨和當天是平常上班日,但依舊不減排隊人潮.
覺得夜楓除了靠燈光襯托出顏色, 就是要搭上水面的倒影更顯得詩情畫意還有一份寧靜感.

We went to Eikando Temple in our first night. Although it was raining and workday, there were still so many people include foreigner tourist and the Japanese.

這是當天我最愛的照片之一, 雖然不在寺內. 而且這是已經要關門休息才能拍到沒什麼人的樣子

This is one of my favorite pictures, and it's outside of the temple. I took this picture when temple ready to close, so not much people.

第二天我們起了個大早先去伏見稻荷大社, 來拜訪這個以千本鳥居聞名的地方. 事實也證明早晨來這除了靠近山區的空氣好, 加上早晨遊客較少可以盡興享受鳥居之美.

Next day, we woke up early to visit Fushimi Inari Shrine. And I suggest you come here earlier not only fresh air here but also you can admire and enjoy the beauty of torii.

我覺得千本鳥居之美就在於那紅與黑, 和層層延綿過去的透視.

I think the beady of those torri is red and black with one by one endless torri.

初次拜訪秋天京都, 當然我們不能錯過東福寺. 東福寺的楓樹數量和地勢造就這種紅橘黃綠層層疊疊的視覺效果.

We must not missed Tofukuji ,especially it was our first time to visit Kyoto in autumn. Lots maples and terrain in the Tofukuji bring an amazing vision with colors: red, orange, yellow and green.

也別總是抬著頭望著樹, 望著地下看看那落葉也像編織秋天專有的期間限定地毯.

Don't always look up to those trees! Try to look the ground, and you will find the carpet which only appears during fall season. 

有時也覺得黃楓葉很像星星, 不管是落在地上或還在樹上.

I think those yellow leaf were looking like stars, no matter it was on the trees or ground.

第二天的下午和晚上, 我們安排了清水寺. 在同一天享受了清水寺的日和夜的美.

We spent afternoon and night in  Kiyomizu Temple. It was nice we can see beauty of day and night view in the same day!

這是清水寺裡的地主神社, 我喜歡從遠處拍出它和楓樹的層次感.

This is Jishu shrine in Kiyomizu Temple, and I like the multi-level of shrine, stairs, and maples.

晚上的清水寺沒有太多的地方可以逛, 我覺得清水寺令人讚嘆的就是夜楓, 建築物 (清水舞台), 遠方京都夜景的組合. 那是一種參雜來自自然, 古代和現在的對比, 但卻又巧妙的融合在一起.

I think the stunning view in Kiyomizu Temple which is come from maples, the architecture- Kiyomizu stage, and city night view. It's a combination of nature, old time and modern day.

第二天晚上我們到了很晚才吃晚餐, 有時美景是不等人, 但幸好這家餐廳營業到很晚. 我們享用了河豚大餐, 這是河豚生魚片也是我們整餐吃下來最喜歡的一道.

We had dinner in very late night. However beauty scene waits for no man. Fortunately this restaurant also ran very late, and then we had a series fugu dishes! And fugu sashimi is our favorite!

第三天也是我們待在京都的最後一天, 我們先去了西本願寺去看了大銀杏樹. 非常幸運地看到整株黃澄澄的樣子! 還有這株樹有400年的歷史!

The third day is also our last day in Kyoto, we visited Nishi Honganji Temple, seeing the huge ginkgo trees! We were so lucky to catch whole golden color trees! And this one is about 400 years!

第三天我們安排了嵐山和鄰近的金閣寺. 這是位於嵐山的天龍寺曹源池.

We also went to Arashiyama area and nearby area- Kinkakuji Temple. This is a pond in Tenryuji Temple.


I like above color contrast pictures: red maple leaves and green grass.

然後我們也去了常寂光寺. 常寂光寺更有讓我在楓林中的感覺, 或許是因為靠近山區還一邊爬石梯一邊觀賞.

Jojakkoji Temple make me feel like in the forest, maybe it's near to mountain area, and we also need to go upstairs.

竹林小徑ˋ在嵐山. Bamboo path in Arashiyama area.

我們在金閣寺結束了這次的京都行程. 在無風的天氣和接近傍晚的下午拍下了清楚的倒影.

We finished our Kyoto tour in Kinkakuji Temple. And also took nice reflection pictures.

第一天晚上- 永觀堂
第二天- 伏見稻荷大社> 東福寺>  清水寺和周遭
第三天- 西本願寺> 嵐山 (渡月橋- 天龍寺- 野宮神社- 常寂光寺- 竹林小徑)> 金閣寺

Check how we had fun in Autumn Kyoto:
Day1 night- Eikando Temple
Day2- Fushimi Inari Shrine> Tofukuji> Kiyomizu Temple and nearby area.
Day3- Nishi Honganji Temple> Arashyyama (Togetsukyo: a bridge- Tenryuji Temple- Nonomiya Shrine- Jojakkoji Temple- Bamboo path)> Kinkakuji Temple

'這次錯過下次再來'的清單有: my list of "come back for them next time":
好好的品嚐日式甜點 enjoy wagashi
逛錦市場 shop at Nishiki Market
去宇治嚐更多抹茶 go to Uji area to have more matcha
祇園 (Gion area), 銀閣寺(Ginkakuji Temple), 六角堂(Rokkakudo), 京都御苑(Kyoto Imperial Park), 北野天滿宮(Kitano Tenmangu Shrine), 下鴨神社(Shimogamo Shrine)

